front of medical practice

The Waiting Room

“We are not aiming to be like all the other practices…… we are aiming to be like Us” – This was a motto I had to remind myself of throughout the design and build process.

Putting myself out there was really difficult. The fear of people judging my style choices terrified me and when it came to committing to a decision I would go weak at the knees. – I just wanted to please everyone and create Craig an amazing Practice that represented “Us”.

The design and style of the practice had to be something that suited young, old, male and female. Features had to be warm and welcoming, yet functional.

The waiting room is the first thing patients’ see and I had to get the style and function correct from the beginning.

We started by designing features that we thought were a necessity. As a parent we wanted to make going to the Doctors much easier. We wanted to include a bottle prep area and the sensory room was a MUST.  We also thought about the adults in our waiting room and with that came the computer bar and filtered sparkling tap – this tap was ridiculously priced but the want for the shiny brass tap that produced glittery water was just too much that it become a need…..

The wants list included greenery, art and a way to bring personality into the room.

The Green wall back drop became a labour of love when I couldn’t find the perfect vine. It was suggested that we should make one and given that I am someone that never backs down from a challenge – I accepted….  About 10 hours into attaching every individual flower I soon regretted the decision. I called in back up and friends were soon attaching flowers too. All up I would estimate the wall taking well over 30 hours to complete. The end result though is something spectacular.  

We are now getting ready to move in and place our furniture. Choosing the furniture was a challenge… how do you create comfort in a room of chairs?  I am looking forward to sharing the end results with you.

We have shared a lot of ourselves by doing this “our way” but we have put our hearts, souls, sweat, blood and tears to create a Medical Home.